FORTIFIED is an autobiography of me. I found out that people publish their biographies at the age of 60, 70, 80 and i wonder why wait so long? I wanted to break that cycle as I know that we all have our unique stories which when told, others can learn from and take heed. I decided to publish mine when I turned 40 in 2019 and it was well received. It is a story of love, pain, empathy, failures and wins. My life’s journey to that point and I have seen so many who have told me how the book has changed their lives positively. FORTIFIED encapsulates the line “ YOU CANNOT FEATURE IN A FUTURE WHOSE PICTURE YOU HAVE NOT CAPTURED”.

Islam is Beautiful
This book on the other hand is a collection of some of the episodes of the television programme “ISLAM IS BEAUTIFUL” that i used to produce and present while i was with the NTA Ibadan. I decided to put it into book form when I realised that not everyone will get access to the live television show or watch it on youtube. I produced over 100 episodes in the span of 4 years that the programme was on air, but I took just 15 episodes out of it and made them into the book form. You can watch more episodes of this programme on youtube at “islamisbeautifulltv”